Despite the title of 'spring clean', a digital declutter or tidy up of your social media accounts can be done at any point in the year! This blog post shares 4 tips to ‘spring clean’ your social media accounts. I'd recommend doing these tasks at least once every six months at a minimum.
Say cheese to an updated profile image
How well does your profile image (and Facebook cover photo) reflect you and your business?
Images of you should be bright and in focus, whether it's a posed or candid photo, showing you in action, at your business location, or at events.
You could alternatively use your business logo if you have one but putting a face to the name really does help show you off as a business owner. This is equally true if have products to sell or are a service provider.
Spring clean for a good first impression
We all make snap judgments about who to follow on social media.
With Instagram we have a limited number of characters in our profiles. Let's use them wisely. Start with keywords to describe your business, who you serve, the value you bring, and an action you'd like viewers to take! Don't include hashtags unless you have a personalised one that takes viewers to all your own content.
You can be more expansive in your ‘About’ section on your Facebook page. I would still keep it fairly brief and include a link or two to your website or other places where you have a web presence or shop - YouTube channel, Etsy shop etc. With Instagram you can link to one Facebook group and one website from your profile, so make sure you use them!
Clean up your pinned and featured posts
Once visitors land on your profile, make sure that you give them useful information.
An efficient way of doing this is to write answers to any FAQs you have, and then pinning the post as a Facebook announcement or pinned post on Instagram. An element of good customer service is making it as easy as possible for visitors to engage. Time is precious, most of us are impatient and we all want to find information easily without hunting around for it!
Make sure that any featured posts with dates of events or deadlines are unpinned once the affected date has passed. Having out of date content pinned confuses your audience and looks like you don't keep your page up to date!
Make your auto replies for your DMs work for you 24/7!
Within Meta Business Suite (look for Inbox, then Automation), you can set up auto-replies for both Instagram and Facebook Messages. This means you don't have to reply to individual messages instantly if you aren't able to, or want to have some work life balance.
You could include your typical response time to messages, add quick answers to FAQs like opening hours or ordering processes, and add in automatic fields to personalise replies or your website.
I can help with a light touch dust or a deep clean declutter of your business social media accounts..
A Highland Blend offers digital marketing and administration support for small businesses. If your social media accounts are chaotic and you need help with managing them, or you want an audit with pointers on how to improve them yourself, please book in a chat via my Services page.